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《美国历史:长津湖战役》好不好看?American Experience: The Battle of Chosin观众点评及剧本

发布时间:2021-08-13 13:15:28


《美国历史:长津湖战役 American Experience: The Battle of Chosin》好看吗?幽弥狂于06-14评论:想从美国人的角度来看更多战争细节的不用看这片子了,更多的是讲他们如何向另一个 纪录片 历史 战争 美国 / 113分钟 2016-11-01美国上映 On Thanksgiving Day 1950, American-led United Nati


  • 纪录片 历史 战争
  • 美国 / 113分钟
  • 2016-11-01美国上映


美国历史:长津湖战役的剧情介绍:On Thanksgiving Day 1950, American-led United Nations troops were on the march in North Korea. U.S. Marine and Air Force pilots distributed holiday meals, even to those on the front lines. Hopes were high that everyone would be home by Christmas. But soon after that peaceful celebration, American military leaders, including General Douglas MacArthur, were caught off guard by the entrance of the People's Republic of China, led by Mao Zedong, into the five-month-old Korean War. Twelve thousand men of the First Marine Division, along with a few thousand Army soldiers, suddenly found themselves surrounded, outnumbered and at risk of annihilation at the Chosin Reservoir, high in the mountains of North Korea. The two-week battle that followed, fought in brutally cold temperatures, is one of the most celebrated in Marine Corps annals and helped set the course of American foreign policy in the Cold War and beyond. Incorporating interviews with more than 20 veterans of the campaign, The Battle of Chosin recounts this epic conflict through the heroic stories of the men who fought it.





全部 演员 迈克尔·墨菲 饰:Self - Narrator, 道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟 饰:Self,(archive footage) 哈里·S·杜鲁门 饰:Self,(archive footage)


幽弥狂于06-14评论: 想从美国人的角度来看更多战争细节的不用看这片子了,更多的是讲他们如何向另一个方向“进攻”...而且果然看到了黑志愿军的片段...最后几个美国老兵说,我认为我们保护了南韩,让它成为一个自给的国家...你美国要是不当世界警察,不介入朝鲜战争,朝鲜战争就只是内战,朝鲜半岛就能是一个统一的国家
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