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《Kidô senshi Gandamu: Senkô no Hasauei》好不好看?观众点评及剧本

发布时间:2021-08-13 16:51:29

《Kidô senshi Gandamu: Senkô no Hasauei》电影导读

《Kidô senshi Gandamu: Senkô no Hasauei 》好看吗? 动画 动作 剧情 日本 / 95分钟 2021-06-11日本上映 U.C. 0105 - twelve years after the Second Neo Zeon War, the peace on Earth and its colonies is disrupted by "Mafty",

Kidô senshi Gandamu: Senkô no Hasauei电影图片

《Kidô senshi Gandamu: Senkô no Hasauei》电影概述:
  • 动画 动作 剧情
  • 日本 / 95分钟
  • 2021-06-11日本上映

《Kidô senshi Gandamu: Senkô no Hasauei》剧情简介

Kidô senshi Gandamu: Senkô no Hasauei的剧情介绍:U.C. 0105 - twelve years after the Second Neo Zeon War, the peace on Earth and its colonies is disrupted by "Mafty", a terrorist organization bent on preventing the Earth Federation from privatizing the Earth to the privileged. Leading Mafty is Hathaway Noa, son of celebrated Federation Captain Bright Noa and pilot of the experimental RX-105 Gundam.

《Kidô senshi Gandamu: Senkô no Hasauei》演员信息

Kidô senshi Gandamu: Senkô no Hasauei演员

Kidô senshi Gandamu: Senkô no Hasauei的主要演员:


全部 导演 村濑修功 演员 小野贤章 饰:Hathaway Noa, 诹访部顺一 饰:Kenneth Sleg, 津田健次郎 饰:Gawman Noble, Fukushi Ochiai 饰:Raymond Cain,

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