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《浴火之鸟》好不好看?දැවෙන විහඟුන්观众点评及剧本

发布时间:2021-08-13 17:30:31


《浴火之鸟 දැවෙන විහඟුන්》好看吗? 剧情 斯里兰卡,法国 / 84分钟 2018-06-29斯里兰卡上映 1989. A small village in Eastern Sri Lanka. After her husband is abducted, tortured and murdered by government soldiers, Kusum has a st


  • 剧情
  • 斯里兰卡,法国 / 84分钟
  • 2018-06-29斯里兰卡上映


浴火之鸟的剧情介绍:1989. A small village in Eastern Sri Lanka. After her husband is abducted, tortured and murdered by government soldiers, Kusum has a struggle on her hands to look after her eight children and mother-in-law all by herself. After a series of unsuccessful odd jobs, in which she is constantly abused both physically and sexually, Kusum falls into prostitution. She is soon arrested in a brothel, by the police. When news of what has befallen their mother reaches school, the children are expelled...





全部 导演 Sanjeewa Pushpakumara 演员 Anoma Janadari 饰:Kusum,wife Chandani Senevirathna 饰:Sumana,Kusum's friend Mahendra Perera 饰:Owner of slaughter house Tissa Bandaranayake 饰:Principal


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