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《间谍》点评 - Les espions网友评价

发布时间:2021-08-13 13:54:20


《间谍 Les espions》好看吗? 剧情 意大利,法国 / 125分钟 1957-10-11法国上映 A psychiatrist, desperate for money to keep his faltering practice running, makes a deal with a spy to hide a mysterious person in his clinic


  • 剧情
  • 意大利,法国 / 125分钟
  • 1957-10-11法国上映


下面交代一下间谍 Les espions的剧情介绍:A psychiatrist, desperate for money to keep his faltering practice running, makes a deal with a spy to hide a mysterious person in his clinic in return for a million francs. As soon as the deal is struck his place is overrun by spies from both East and West, all in search of a renegade nuclear scientist. The psychiatrist's own sanity starts to break down as he submitted to unmitigated surveillance and deception.





全部 导演 亨利-乔治·克鲁佐 演员 库尔德·于尔根斯 饰:Alex 彼得·乌斯蒂诺夫 饰:Michel Kiminsky O.E. 汉斯 饰:Hugo Vogel 山姆·谢斐 饰:Sam Cooper


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